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Let's discuss new features you'd like to see in Sonuby, things you'd like to be improved, and problems you're experiencing. How would you rate your Sonuby experience so far?
Let's discuss new features you'd like to see in Sonuby, things you'd like to be improved, and problems you're experiencing.
Let's discuss new features you'd like to see in Sonuby, things you'd like to be improved, and problems you're experiencing.
changed title "
Lowtemperatureshidden"description "There are certain scenarios in which chart extremes overlap, e.g. when they are slightly below the freezing temperature line. The reason for this is that the library I use for the charts has some technical limitations. I'll try to find a solution though. Original user request: Title: Low temperatures hidden Description: in the daily view, when the temp goes below zero C, the actual temp is hidden "@stuarthill Thanks for reporting the issue, Stuart! As noted in the description of the issue, there is a technical limitation that makes this a bit harder to fix. But I'll try my best to resolve the issue :)
@stuarthill I have tweaked the charts a bit in the upcoming update. I'll mark this as completed for now. If it should happen again after you've upgraded to 1.7.3. please file a new issue. The update will be available next week. Thanks :)