Hi there, Enthusiast 👋
Let's discuss new features you'd like to see in Sonuby, things you'd like to be improved, and problems you're experiencing. How would you rate your Sonuby experience so far?
Let's discuss new features you'd like to see in Sonuby, things you'd like to be improved, and problems you're experiencing.
Let's discuss new features you'd like to see in Sonuby, things you'd like to be improved, and problems you're experiencing.
changed title "
Additionalactivities~~~~ "@handhaber_kakao_0r thank you for your suggestion! Which forecasts/variables would you like to see in such a report?
@Julian_meier It will be greate if there are an possibility to import .gpx file from the planed tour and the the weather report for it.
I think most of the variables are already there in the hourly forecast. Only sunrise and sunset is missing.
@alex_1 Sorry for not responding earlier. This is a feature I would love to support but before I can implement it, I will need to redesign weather maps (which I will do this year hopefully).
@alex_1 @julian_meier dazu benötigt man aber ein hochauflösendes Modell, um einen Wandertrackbericht zu ermöglichen. Meteoblue hat zwei Modelle mit 22 km Auflösung . Interessant wäre das SUPERHD von kachelmannwetter 1,1 1,1 km-Auflösung . Ubimet soll ein Modell nutzen mit 100 m * 100 m -Auflösung . Das dürfte dann aber teuer werden mit der Lizenz .
@mariodidiosj @qazwsx_1150 @alex_1 @neild @jonathanburkhard @heliumofen8m @sleekplan @kevin_fahling
Good news, I will add both a hiking and climbing report soon!
They will include
Good morning Julian,
as a long-distance hiking enthusiast, I'm a proud owner of your app now (coming from Meteoblue). What I would be thrilled, too, would be a graph for:
Have a wonderful day!
@guetemorge Good afternoon Thomas,
so happy to have you on board! :)
Dew point temperature is already available in the app, check out the following video on how to enable it:
This will also be possible within the hiking report.
As for the where2go feature: I plan on implementing a route forecast feature in the future which is a bit different to what you're asking but might go in a similar direction. Building a feature like where2go is quite complex because I would need a large amount of data which I (currently) don't have (I request data for specific locations).
But we'll see, maybe I'll be able to implement despite the current limitations :)
Thanks for your feedback and I'm looking forward to realizing as many feature requests you have as possible ;)
@julian_meier Good morning Julian,
thank you so much for answering. I'm happy to read you're planning on further developping the "where2go" feature, even if it requires a large amount of data. Already in the current state, Sonuby is a big plus for planning. Actually, a route forecast feature is exactly what I am looking for to plan my hiking routes accordingly. And as a happy owner of a Deutschlandticket, I love to spontaneously decide where to hike next, always influenced by the best weather in the region. :-).
Have a wonderful day,
@guetemorge Dann versuche ich mal mein Bestes, das schnell umzusetzen! ;)
Für den Wanderbericht hätte ich gerne auch die Gewitterwahrscheinlichkeit bzw. CAPE-Werte abrufbar . Gerne nutze ich auch das Schneediagramm von Meteoblue. Warum ? Man sieht auf einen Blick die Temperaturverhältnisse. Bei Sonuby gibt es ja die vertikale Temperatur in Zahlen , aber man muß das geistig erstmal einordnen.